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Objective: An interactive e-learning course consisting of two training modules. These courses are designed for individuals interested in expanding their knowledge on:
Course 1: “All Things Wombat”
In this course you will learn about wombats. Learn how to identify wombats and understand their distribution. Explore their ecology, diet, communication, and reproduction. Gain insights into the key threats facing wombats and the conservation efforts to protect them. Discover how to document wombat sightings, burrow sightings, and wombat treatment using the citizen science resource WomSAT.
Course 2: Treating wombats with Sarcoptic Mange
This course focuses on sarcoptic mange, a parasitic disease affecting wombats. Enhance your understanding of the parasite’s lifecycle, transmission pathways, and effective treatment methods. Learn to recognise signs of abnormal and normal behaviour in wombats, as well as how to identify and assess mange-affected individuals. After successful completion of this course the certificate can be used to treat sarcoptic mange affected wombats after approval from the APVMA permit holder, The Wombat Protection Society of Australia” to “After successful completion of this course the certificate can be used to gain approval from the APVMA permit holder, The Wombat Protection Society of Australia, to treat sarcoptic mange affected wombats in the field.